To know more about Albania Residency by investment, join us on our next webinar on 17/05/2020, at 17:00 Istanbul time, Join us for free!
You will find out more about:
- Ways to obtain Albania Residency by investment.
- Legal details & Banking solutions.
- The advantages & benefits of Albania Residency.
- Daily life in Albania
All these and more will be answered by:
The Citizenship Expert, Mr. Imad Elbitar, Head of Middle East and Turkey branch of NTL
Legal ِAdvisor, Mr. Mohamed Azmy, directly from Albania
Looking forward to your participation in NTL webinar
Now it possible to apply for Turkish Citizenship through e-Devlet
To obtain Turkish citizenship the e-government portal /e-Devlet/, in cooperation with the Directorate of Souls and Citizenship, launched a very important and awaited service
Naguib Sawiris launches a second Project in Grenada
New project for Mr. Naguib Sawiris in Grenada “Beach House By The Silversands Hotel”.
Nursing Study in Germany Program
By studying nursing in Germany, you will have the opportunity to find a job in the health care field there.
Germany.. The beating heart of the European continent
Germany is the European heart and the most popular country among the countries of the Union. Not only because of its political, economic and industrial role; but rather the combination of its fascinating history and urban culture with modernity and development in all fields of life.
Saint Kitts and Nevis extended the discount for families
The Cabinet of Ministers in Saint Kitts and Nevis has approved the extension of the duration related to reducing the cost of a family of up to four people